
Dream 1 - Shiver me timbers

I'm not really sure how it happened, but one of my toes had to be cut off, which somehow required me to get a peg leg. My right leg looked like it just got shorter though. My other toes were still there at the end of my leg, but my leg ended around mid shin. Now I'm pretty sure that a doctor amputated my toe, but they didn't have any fancy or custom replacement legs so they gave me what looked to be a wooden stick with a bowl on top (arrggg).

So equiped with my wonderful pirate technology, I found myself at the house I grew up at where apperently my family was having some sort of a get together. I remember showing my mom and trying not to fall into the pool as I hobbled around. Come to think of it now that I am typing, it almost seems as if I was just bending my normal size leg and leaning on the peg leg. Hmm.

Anyway, next I did what anybody with a severed toe or lazy liar would do and I became a nanny. I was in a house with two parents and their three kids (boy-10, girl-7, boy-5). The dad and kids loved me but the mom was skeptical (I think it may have been the peg leg). I pretended there was nothing wrong with me, until I started making jokes about it. I asked the kids if they liked pirates, then turned to the parents and said "guess I know what I'm being for Halloween next year" after which I promptly fell over. I also remember grocery shopping with them. Needless to say, I think I got the job.

When I woke, my right leg was numb below the knee. Yeah. And here I was starting to get excited about my peg leg.

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