
A Saint of Sorts

I want to be a Boondock Saint. There. I said it. It's not that I just think they are cool or that I want to kill all the scum of the earth, just a few types. Two in particular, both involving cars.

1) Do not take your sweet ass time moving your fat ass through the cross walk. I am in a car. I am encased in steel. I win. I'm not saying you need to sprint across the street but don't crawl across while staring at me waiting for you so I can make a right hand turn.
2) Stop parking in the middle of the street. What in the hell are you possibly thinking?! I don't care if you put your hazards on or not (which you usually don't bother), there is no reason you have a immunity to the traffic laws.

Don't make me drop a toilet on your head people.

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