
Holiday Review

Well I'm back in Wonderland. Christmas seems to move faster each year. When you're a kid, everything builds up to it. All you can think about are presents. As you age, you start to dread the family events with fear that you will have to talk to a bunch of older people you don't see that much. I think I've reached an in between period. I actually enjoy seeing the family. I feel like I can hold my own in conversation and talk intelligently. The only problem is fielding the same questions multiple times a night. This comes with moving across the country and never seeing these people save once every Christmas. Instead of visions of presents, I have visions of bills waiting for me when I return home. An uneasy feeling starts dwelling when you are away from what you are suppose to call your home for more than a week.

I did get to see some old friends. People I haven't seen or talked to in literal years. The same situation arises with them as well as family. Hard to get back onto track with the period of silence in between. Nevertheless very nice to visit and catch up.

I think the largest factor in my discomfort lately has been the lack of creative outlet. Taking engagement photos of Steve and Kiley and photos of their band Gentleman Auction House over the break definitely got me through the ten days. Other than that it was getting rough. Today I spent about three hours making a completely unnecessary web page just so I could design something. The next few photo sets I have lined up in January are something to look forward to. As of right now I don't have a return trip planned, so it may be nice to get settled here for a while.


No but seriously

Never ever ever ever ever lax again. I don't even want to get on my return flight in 10 days. My kingdom for a travel agent.
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A Saint of Sorts

I want to be a Boondock Saint. There. I said it. It's not that I just think they are cool or that I want to kill all the scum of the earth, just a few types. Two in particular, both involving cars.

1) Do not take your sweet ass time moving your fat ass through the cross walk. I am in a car. I am encased in steel. I win. I'm not saying you need to sprint across the street but don't crawl across while staring at me waiting for you so I can make a right hand turn.
2) Stop parking in the middle of the street. What in the hell are you possibly thinking?! I don't care if you put your hazards on or not (which you usually don't bother), there is no reason you have a immunity to the traffic laws.

Don't make me drop a toilet on your head people.


An Angry Open Letter to one Carl Jr.

Dear Mr. Jr.,

Listen up buddy, I've had about enough. Who do you think you are flaunting your new Portobello Mushroom Thickburger every fifteen minutes on television? This one doesn't even have an attractive girl and I've never wanted one more. So fine. You win. You knew you would. Oh look at that. Google maps found one of your establishments a mere two miles from my apartment. In a small eight minutes, the combo will be in my possession. Or so I thought. Way to go hiding the restaurant, but last time I checked, you want people to be able to find your product in order to...order it. This proves not to be the case with your downtown Los Angeles location as I circled the address twice and could not find it. FIne. A quick call to the roommate and I will be redirected to the next one.

Vermont and Normandie? Really Carl? How is it I can pass about a million Burger Kings and a dozen other fast food places, but I have to truck my ass all the way to Vermont and Normandie to find yours. Fine. It's fine. Sorry. I'm just having a bad day that's all. Oh here it comes up on the left. Hmm. No drive thu or parking lot. Ok. I'll just park half in the red and half in the yellow down the street. I'd like to see someone stop me from getting this burger now. If they can manage to tow my car in the time it takes you to whip up one of your combos then they can keep it.

There. Order placed. To go number 63. Now we play the waiting game. Shit. I forgot to say curly fries. Maybe I can ask...nevermind they just put the regular ones up there. I still blame you. Bag in hand I race out the door. I have precious little time to get all the way back home in time to enjoy my meal warm. Oh wonderful. Everyone else in Los Angeles also wants to hurry home right at this moment as well. Now what was suppose to have taken eight minutes has taken an hour.

The moment of truth. I do the little fast food dinner dance when I walk through my apartment door. Throw the keys and wallet. Kick off the shoes and grab a plate. This whole scene becomes a blur of panic as if the burger is going to disappear unless I eat it immediately. I take out my regular (dammit) fries and liberate the burger from its carton and wrapper. My that looks like a tasty burger. I quickly get comfortable lift the burger to my mouth, twisting it about trying to find out the best angle from which to take my first victorious bite. After I make my way past the entire head of lettuce they managed to cram on there, I sink my teeth into the cheesy mess of mushrooms and meat. Now it's been a while since I have had Hardees (the true name of your franchise). The one thing I remember is that it does not disappoint. And this was certainly no exception. This was indeed a delicious fast food burger. But it did not wow me. C'mon Carl. Hardee's less complex version of the Infamous number three, mushroom n swiss thickburger, leads in delicious points. I could have stopped at any other joint in my journey to yours and who knows, maybe next time I will.

You did this to yourself Carl.


Three Albums That Recently Changed My Life

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky

This album screams "Hey let's be depressed, but let's be ok with it." It's almost as if Jeff Tweedy tells a personal story on each track. I find myself singing certain tracks throughout the day as certain life events spark the need.

Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War

I listened to this entire album at least twice every week while traveling to various cities on a job. The ultimate plane album as you can just get lost in the personal lyrical exchange of Torquil Campbell and Amy Millan. Absolutely chilling and always beautiful.

Kings of Leon - Because of the Times

The distinct sound of three brothers and a cousin is never mistaken. The imperfect squeeks and yells compliment the complex guitar break downs. Perfect for listening at a small bar during happy hour while playing pool. If you can understand the lyrics, you'll start singing them with the deepest of feelings