
Holiday Review

Well I'm back in Wonderland. Christmas seems to move faster each year. When you're a kid, everything builds up to it. All you can think about are presents. As you age, you start to dread the family events with fear that you will have to talk to a bunch of older people you don't see that much. I think I've reached an in between period. I actually enjoy seeing the family. I feel like I can hold my own in conversation and talk intelligently. The only problem is fielding the same questions multiple times a night. This comes with moving across the country and never seeing these people save once every Christmas. Instead of visions of presents, I have visions of bills waiting for me when I return home. An uneasy feeling starts dwelling when you are away from what you are suppose to call your home for more than a week.

I did get to see some old friends. People I haven't seen or talked to in literal years. The same situation arises with them as well as family. Hard to get back onto track with the period of silence in between. Nevertheless very nice to visit and catch up.

I think the largest factor in my discomfort lately has been the lack of creative outlet. Taking engagement photos of Steve and Kiley and photos of their band Gentleman Auction House over the break definitely got me through the ten days. Other than that it was getting rough. Today I spent about three hours making a completely unnecessary web page just so I could design something. The next few photo sets I have lined up in January are something to look forward to. As of right now I don't have a return trip planned, so it may be nice to get settled here for a while.

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