
Dream 2 - WVA trilogy

Coming home to the Webster Village Apartments was weird. Even though I was a resident there, I handn't been there in some time. As Brooke and I walk past the mailboxes, I notice Eric is checking his mail. Eric is a friend of mine from high school whom I have not gotten the chance to speak to since he went into the military and thus over to the middle east shortly after graduation. Brooke keeps walking as Eric and I chat, but it is like he had not been missing from my life. As we walk toward our building (he lives on the parking lot side and I live on the street side), he hands me two pieces of my mail that were in with his. "Gee I wonder what I'll find in mine," I say as I flip through my own. Sure enough I have two pieces of his mail as well.

As I start walking up the stairs to my apartment I am going through the various envelopes. Citi card offer, Bank of America statement, something from a lawyer wanting to help with a recent speeding ticket, but the thing that confuses me the most is that scotch tapped to the last one is a bluish grey, bubble wrap envelope. I'm not sure what is inside.

As I reach the third floor and approach my door, I notice that someone had tapped something to the door and left a sign. On a green piece of paper in darker green puff paint, their is a note from Jennifer. She had stopped by to see me but I was out so she will see if she sees me later. P.S. she added an accessory to the door. The exact time (1:08 or 1:27 I think) was listed at the top. On the right side of the sign in green and gold is written "accentuate". This explains the object tapped to the door. It is a grey towel wrapped around the already existing large gold handle/knocker that is located in the middle of the door. The duct tape is going in long diagonal fashions across most of the door. I am relieved that it wasn't a note from Tucker saying that I haven't been around to help out around the apartment or that the door knocker has been too loud.

The door is partially open as I am taking in all of this and still glancing back to the mystery package in hand. Just then the door opens a little more and a woman steps out from behind it. "Hey Dave," greets a once psychology teacher but since then dater of Tuck. I have seen this person before, but am not even sure if my description is accurate. Startled that shes there and blanking on her name, I muster out "Oh...hey." She is in a dark maroon dress with a black sheer outer layer. She awkwardly moves her arms at her sides and in a shy voice states "I...I've put on a few pounds." The way she talks is a way that we both know she is of authority over me, but is down on my level by being on my turf for my roomate. My silence while my brain decides what to say without being generic prompts her to speak again. "You can't really tell though," she mutters almost under her breath, almost avoiding eye contact. "Well I certainly don't see it," I say moving into my apartment. The apartment feel so weird because I have been away from it for so long. Where I don't know. Everything in the room resembles a more grown up atmosphere. The cheap blue furniture is replaced by a more sophisticated cream color made of a finer suade-like material. As I farmiliarize myself with my surroundings by walking around, placing down my mail (except for the package), and turning on a rather stylish light in the corner, the woman and I stumble over if her sudden on and off weight issue and consider the fact that it could be a medical problem.

That's about where it ends. Previously I had moved back into the WVA and was roomates with a girl from one of my classes. We were both still in the move in phase and didn't really talk much but were both trying to figure out the kitchen, which was so high tech it was ridiculous. I'm talking an oven/refridgerator/tv that transformed out of where the table counter was. Next I would find myself moving in with Will. I took the room farthest from the door and remember that he had a friend over that was sitting on the couch. Nothing too striking in the previous instances, but this does make three.

The reality: The articles of mail I flipped through I had recieved prior in the day. All except the mystery envelope. Jennifer had done something nice. Instead of a sign, it was cleaning the floors. Nathan had wondered early what had happened to Tuck. I did not know, and I did not see him in the dream. I have been losing weight and I am off my medicine.

I just remembered who the lady at my apartment actually was. She was a high school teacher that I never had, not a psychology teacher. I always felt like even though we never really interacted that there was tension between us. She almost seemed threatened of my strong relationships with the rest of the staff and my ability to roam around due to my independent student status.

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