
FX's Hottest New Show: Possum

Pilot Episode: Shakedown in Shitty Italy

"End of the line Possum!" shouted Officer Barnum Lexington. "This time you're done. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"I can't go back there Lex," Possum calmly responded. "I belong out here, on the streets, like the bum I am. Besides, we both know I had nothing to do with Uncle Johnny's death."

"I know," Lexington softly said. "I know. But the boys down at the station aren't buying it. And I gotta do what I gotta do."


"Possum? Possum get up. That was just a warning shot."


"Oh my God. What have I done?"

"Possum you beautiful bastard. I know you were innocent. You were just too pretty to be caged."

"God dammit Possum!" *sob*

"How the hell am I going to explain this one to Cap? How the hell am I suppose to carry your heavy dead ass back to the car?"

Episode 2 coming soon!


Congatulations Poko and Wops

My two best friends have finally up and done it. Kiley and Steve will be united as one on August 30, 2008 and I could not be happier for them. I've been around for all of it minus my time here in LA and I know that they will live a long and happy life together. I tip my hat at my friends for finding the most impossible thing to find, true love.


And I yee I

I can now add bodyguard to Liam Neeson to my resume. Last night, along with another bodygaurd, I escorted Mr. Neeson to a fancy dinner meeting. I want to say it was at the Hyatt in Kansas City, but it was a little blurry. In fact I'm not even sure if it was Liam Neeson, but it looked a great deal like him. Anyway we were in the restaurant and we were told to go have a seat and he would catch up to us in a minute. Reluctantly we went to the table with the rest of the party, sat down, and scoped out the place. Cream tableclothes and fancy crystal as far as the eye could see. Everyone in the place was very well-to-do. Good thing the other bodygaurd and I were armed with katanas.

It had been a while and I was starting to get nervous. I decided to walk back out to the skywalk where Mr. Neeson last was. He was standing there chatting to an old man and as I approached he said there was nothing to worry about and he would be coming to dinner now. Just then on ther other side of the walkway, no more than fifty feet away stood a bald man in a tuxedo staring at us. He reached in to his pocket and pulled out an object. At the same time I popped my katana up from the sheath exposing the blade. The man yelled "Hey!" and started to run towards us. I pulled my katana completly out and started to charge the man. With one fluid motion I sliced his right side and had the blade pointed at his neck as he stopped. There was a small amount of blood already leaking from him and his neck was red where the tip of my sword met his skin. He was holding up the object. It was a cell phone. This man looked exactly like Rob Corddry. Everyone stood still. Mr. Neeson was very confused with a frightened look on his face. Corddry tried to laugh but found it difficult with my blade pressed against his neck. He uttered "I mean, would you mind calling me?" I slowly looked back at Mr. Neeson who gave me the look as if he did not know this man. I lowered my blade and Corddry bent over placing his hands on his knees, gasping for breath. I walked back to Mr. Neeson and he whispered to me "Don't worry. He had a knife right?" I told him I saw an object, he yelled, and charged. Even though it was only a cell phone, it was still a threat. He looked at me with fixed eyes and said more sternly "No. He had a knife. We have no need to explain ourselves."

Mr. Neeson went to his table and somehow I went back to a table where my family was sitting. My mother couldn't believe I hurt the man when he didn't do anything. My father argued with her that he was going to do something and that I did the right thing. My brother agreed. And that's when I woke up.


Connected via wormhole

Now that I am able to/figured out how to blog with my mobile phone, there is going to be a substantial increase in near car accidents and thumb sprains.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Morning of the Living Jackhammer

8 o'clock? Really? Well then this is what happens when you wake me up.

The repetitive hammering pierced through my single pane windows and sent tremors into my ribcage. This couldn't be an earthquake. Earthquakes aren't powered by a humming generator and mexican foreman yelling commands. They don't make pillow cases that go deep enough into ears to stop this. Suddenly the noise stops prompted by the most gruesome scream one could gargle. Then silence. My eyes shift back and forth wondering if it is safe to go to sleep or how much time I should spend thinking about what could have caused this deafness in my favor. Some unrecognizable mutter is exchanged. Then the beast fires back up and the concrete resumes it's demise. At this point I have to believe that city workers witnessed an accident with an easy solution provided by the fresh hole before them. The perfect concrete coffin. After all, the worker had a track record of missing days. As far as they are concerened, this was just another day he didn't clock in. In preparation for his return, I have started to fortify my home. Slaying a jackhammer carrying zombie will require a great deal of creativity.

Updates as warranted.


Superheros dream too

Another bizare dream. They are coming more often lately. This one was fun and I swear I was talking it out loud. I somehow dreamt the opening to the new Batman and Robin film. I'm not even sure if one is coming out or not, but I started it for them.

So I was playing the part of Robin. I have no idea where Batman was, but I was with Catwoman. At least I think it was Catwoman. It was a female villian, I know that. Anyway, neither of us were our alter ego. We were just our normal selves, she didn't know I was Robin, but I knew she was a villian but she didn't know that. We were at her place I think. It was very white and almost hotel-ish. It was obvious we had been on a date and were flirting. Lots of laughs and lens flares coming in through an open window. Outside, no more than a foot below the bottom of the window there was a sea of water as far out as I could see. We were talking and laughing and I picked her up and spun her around. She said something to the effect that she would have to be careful or she might fall for me. I asked if there was any chance that might happen tonight as I carried her closer to the window. She said no, and I said that's too bad. Her face went from laughing to fearfully understanding and I softly threw her out of the window into the water and closed the window as she cursed back at me. Then the opening credits started with various shots of Batman and I running. That's when I woke up.

Back to the Past

Lately I have been thinking. I try to shy away from such strenuous activities, but it has been unavoidable recently. What I can't stop thinking about is life back then. My life back then, not like, back in the 50s. Back in St. Louis. Back where everything seemed to make sense and was easier. The last house I lived in just sold. The amount of memories attached with it are infinite. My roomate and I would joke about if things didn't work out in LA, we always had the lodge to go back to. I could never do that, but entertaining the thought was comforting.

Something hit me while driving down the freeway the other day. That seems to give ample amount to reflect since 75% of life in Los Angeles is driving on the freeway. I tried to figure out what it was that was missing. I stumbled across a big answer. Back in St. Louis, if I was on a highway, there was a good chance that I was either going to see some friends, or I was going home from seeing friends. I don't do that here. Back home I would know that I would soon be greated by a familiar smiling face. Here I am greeted by the mound of hassle that accompanies every trip out the house.

I'm not really sure what happened. Maybe it is being use to hosting house parties every week and now having none. Maybe it is the cost of living. Maybe it is just being out of college. Maybe it is the friends and lack there of. Something has changed. Something even greater will change at the end of November when I move as well.


Let me tell you why Jesus is my favorite zombie: An Essay by condition d

Let me tell you why Jesus is my favorite zombie. Oh don't sound shocked. All the facts are there. He is just merely a much cleaner and sophisticated one. Did he or did he not rise up from the dead? I guarantee that if you leave a zombie in a grave, he won't be there in three days. Holy or not, undead is undead. Chirst is the superior zombie because he is quick and agile, possibly with the gift of flight. He doesn't lower himself by having an addiction to brains. He is smart enough to know that their is no nutritional value in the brain. Souls are where all the protein is. Realizing that the son of God is a zombie has brought light on another terrifying science fact. His friends, they all drank his blood right. Vampires. This all just further proves two of the coolest scary stories ever. But now we have something else to worry about. If they weren't powerful enough on their own, I don't want to imagine a race of hybrid vampire zombies. I think we are safe for now though. After all, last time I checked, Jesus was on our side. Lets just hope he keeps his appetite to that of a Nicole Ritchie.


light, camera, photos

So I finally got my light that I ordered 2 weeks ago. It's small, but it is a start. Once I figure everything out about it, I will be able to harness it's powers and churn out some new stuff. God bless the people at alien bees for making nice lights at an afordable price.