
Let me tell you why Jesus is my favorite zombie: An Essay by condition d

Let me tell you why Jesus is my favorite zombie. Oh don't sound shocked. All the facts are there. He is just merely a much cleaner and sophisticated one. Did he or did he not rise up from the dead? I guarantee that if you leave a zombie in a grave, he won't be there in three days. Holy or not, undead is undead. Chirst is the superior zombie because he is quick and agile, possibly with the gift of flight. He doesn't lower himself by having an addiction to brains. He is smart enough to know that their is no nutritional value in the brain. Souls are where all the protein is. Realizing that the son of God is a zombie has brought light on another terrifying science fact. His friends, they all drank his blood right. Vampires. This all just further proves two of the coolest scary stories ever. But now we have something else to worry about. If they weren't powerful enough on their own, I don't want to imagine a race of hybrid vampire zombies. I think we are safe for now though. After all, last time I checked, Jesus was on our side. Lets just hope he keeps his appetite to that of a Nicole Ritchie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u r sick